Lord, Surprise Us!

Lord, Surprise Us!

How might a God of redemption desire to work in our lives as we seek to follow Him in 2022?

His Death – The Gift of Forgiveness and Reconciliation

His Death – The Gift of Forgiveness and Reconciliation

The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life. Romans 6:23 succinctly summarizes the good news of the gospel- Jesus came to give us life. But not just any life, he came to literally give us HIS life! As sinners apart from God, we are all under the death sentence but Christ took our place to pay for our sin and he now offers us what we could never earn- forgiveness. Furthermore, to be forgiven means that we are now reconciled with God and embraced into his family. As the Christmas carol proclaims: God and sinners reconciled.

His Ministry – The gift of Healing and Repentance

His Ministry – The gift of Healing and Repentance

We all have problems but when we are alone our problems seem impossible. Jesus’ ministry focused on healing and repentance. At its root, all of our problems and suffering are consequences of sin. Jesus is God who shares our sufferings and trials to share his healing and give us a chance to turn our life around and receive his peace, a peace that has overcome the world.

His Birth – The Gift of Presence

His Birth – The Gift of Presence

We are an ADD generation. We have been constantly and ceaselessly bombarded by an endless array of distractions. The result of this is that we find it very difficult to be present, particularly to those who should matter most to every one of us (family). In this message, we will be challenged to ponder the birth of Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of God’s promise in the name of Emmanuel- God with us. God came to give us the gift of his presence and his undivided attention so that we may receive the peace that comes from being fully present in the here and now. We need not fret and we need not worry for everything we truly need we already have.

Unsettled and Unchained

Unsettled and Unchained

This Sunday we will conclude our current series and celebrate the Lord’s supper. We will also have a special guest that you cannot miss! I am looking forward to sharing how the Lord is using our church to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth!

Unsettled – First Christian Church

Unsettled – First Christian Church

This coming Sunday we will continue our sermon series in Acts 11:19-30. It took time for the church to mature and fully embrace the Great Commission. Ironically, it was not the Church of Jerusalem but the church in Antioch that carried the torch to the ends of the earth. Please join us as we become witnesses of how the Lord uses this church to raise a new generation of disciple-makers!

Unsettled – Church for the Just-Like-Me?

Unsettled – Church for the Just-Like-Me?

Our message this coming Sunday is from Acts 11: 1-18. Sometimes churches can become people's cliques. But God wants the church to invite all people to join Jesus Christ in a life-long, life-changing, and life-giving journey. To be a clique is to be against the very reason our church exists. In this passage, we will see how God spoke to the church to let her know he has room for those who we like and for those who we do not.

Unsettled – Among Saints and Sinners

Unsettled – Among Saints and Sinners

Our message this coming Sunday is from Acts 9:32-10:45 “Among Saints and Sinners.” Peter’s ministry sometimes took him to places where things were familiar and he was able to champion the gospel. Other times, to places where he was clueless and he seemed to get in the way of the gospel. In this passage, we will see God pushing his people way beyond the limits of their comfort to break down the walls of separation between Jews and Gentiles and usher a new paradigm to create a church for all nations and all generations.

Unsettled – Blind and Brainwashed

Unsettled – Blind and Brainwashed

Our message this coming Sunday from Acts 9 will be entitled “Blind and Brainwashed.” It takes a community of people who share Christ’s compassionate heart to minister to those who are spiritually blind. God wants to use our story to help others realize their need for salvation. As we journey through Paul’s conversion we will see God’s miraculous intervention to give us a new vision for his glory!

Unsettled – The Gospel Beyond the Walls of our Comfort Zone

Unsettled – The Gospel Beyond the Walls of our Comfort Zone

We will continue our messages on the book of Acts chapters 8-12 with our new sermon series “Unsettled: Venturing beyond the limits of our comfort zone.” When we venture beyond the limits of our comfort, we will inevitably find people who are very different from us. When the gospel moved from Jerusalem to Samaria, the first disciples found people living in ways that were contrary to everything they stood for. It would be easier to isolate and live in their Christian bubble but that is not what the gospel is all about. When we go beyond the limits of our PREFERENCE, we discover that God is already at work calling those who are under the control of the enemy to turn to Him.