January 23, 2022

Feasting and Fasting: Our Identity in the Father’s Son

Feasting and Fasting: Our Identity in the Father’s Son

At the core of our deepest longings is a desire to know we truly are. Who we are depends very much on who God is for, after all, we were made in his likeness and in his image. God is our Creator but in Christ, he is also our Father. Our sense of identity and ultimate dignity comes not from us or from our sense of self-entitlement but from the blessing bestowed on us by God. Because of sin, God’s image in humanity was distorted. We’ve all grown up believing lies about who we are or are not. Those lies have kept us captive unable to experience the Father’s purpose for our lives. In Christ, the image of God is restored when we are adopted and regenerated by the Holy Spirit. To be adopted by God means that we have a place and a family where we truly belong forever. The church is that family where we grow in Christ in the security of who we are in him free from condemnation and free to please him.