March 20, 2022

Faithful to the End: Everything You Need You Already Have

Faithful to the End: Everything You Need You Already Have

Every day we are bombarded by a relentless campaign of advertising and marketing trying to convince us of our need for an endless array of items and services. More than ever, our lives are filled with an incessant hunger for materialistic and consumeristic products and yet we seem to be never satisfied with all we possess. The reason we are not satisfied is that we have been looking for satisfaction in the wrong places. According to Peter, everything that we truly need has been already given to us! (1 Peter 1:3). Why is it, then, that even though we have been given everything we need, we are sometimes not able to live it out? Peter gives us the answer to this question in chapter one reminding us that Christ’s calling is a life-long, life-changing, and life-giving journey in which we must continue to grow! Essential to this growth is our dependence on God’s word until we arrive at the finish line and the darkness of this world gives way to the light of God’s new day.