January 30, 2022

Feasting and Fasting: Your security in the Father’s love

Feasting and Fasting: Your security in the Father’s love

When was the last time you heard your father say I love you? Some of us grew up in homes where these words were regularly said but others may have heard these said sparsely, if ever. To be loved means that we are held in someone’s greatest esteem. To be loved says not only that we belong somewhere but that we are wanted and cherished. Love is what provides us with a sense of security telling us that even though we live in a broken world, love will carry us through thin and thick. Growing up, our love and self-worth were constantly challenged and conditioned by our performance. Many times we sensed loved was always followed by if. In Christ, God’s love has provided us with the greatest of all assurances. Not if but because. Because of Christ, God has committed himself in a sacred covenant of loyal love to do whatever it takes to provide for our welfare. His love has replaced our fear. Because of Christ we know there is no fear in love, his perfect love casts out all fears allowing us to live lives of gratitude and love. Because God loves us, we are free and secure to live in love.