We are all born lost and we remain lost until Jesus finds us. Sometimes the day-to-day activities in our lives create the illusion of purpose and meaning but the reality is that without Jesus Christ our life is hopeless and empty. Our heart longs for God and it is not until Jesus Christ intercepts us with his invitation that we realize how lost we are. Jesus’ invitation is simple but profound. “Follow me,” he says, and when we respond positively to his invitation our life is filled with a new sense of his healing and presence that exceeds anything this world can offer.
Sermon Category: Untouchable
Untouchable: Are We Willing? Let’s Go to the Feet of Jesus
Sometimes we know God can help us but for many reasons, we are not able or willing to help ourselves. When our personal resources are unable to bring us close to the One who can transform our lives with his word, God has provided a community of faith to remove the barriers that separate us from his presence. In this passage, we will see God’s grace embodied in the faith-full intercession of a Christ-centered community.
Untouchable: If You Are Willing
Bridging the gap between God and us is not easy. In order for us to experience the fullness of life that Christ came to give us we must be willing to take ownership of our brokenness and come to the one who can make us whole. In this miracle of Christ, we will see the God whose touch transforms the lives of those who acknowledge his willingness.