The Song of Hope

The Song of Hope

Sin has bound the world in chains of despair, creating in us a void that nothing on earth can fill. How can we stand firm, living as witnesses to the truth that Jesus alone is the way to everlasting hope?

Loving the Lame: A Case of Undeserved Kindness

Loving the Lame: A Case of Undeserved Kindness

Who do you show kindness to most of the time? Those who deserve it? Those who cannot repay it? David showed kindness to lame Mephibosheth. Jesus shows lovingkindness to us sinners on the cross. We can model the Gospel by showing grace to those who don’t deserve it.

We Must Pause

We Must Pause

Our fast-paced lives naturally lead us to being busier, more stressed, and constantly exhausted. When we come to our senses, we are leading our lives as if Jesus had never been there. The rest He invites us to enjoy rapidly turns into a wasteland. How can we silence the oppressive demands that prevent us from entering God's rest?

When we pause and truly contemplate who Jesus is in contrast with our wickedness, if our hearts are not hardened by our own convictions and self-sufficiency, we will see that surrendering to Him is the only answer. Jesus, the radiance of the Glory of God, is the difference between Canaan and the Wasteland. We are ready for more when we leave our unbelief to find our hope in Christ alone.

A Better Country | Dr. Brance Barker

A Better Country | Dr. Brance Barker

Waiting is hard when we are under pressure or in need. Hope is the result of patiently waiting on God to fulfill his promises. Hundreds of years before the coming of Christ, Isaiah prophesied of the day when our every hope would be fulfilled in the coming of God himself. Beyond all doubt God’s people would be able to declare “Behold this is our God, we have waited for him that he might save us” Isaiah 25:9. Christ is indeed the fulfillment of this prophecy for he is Emanuel, God with us.

You Give Them Something to Eat

You Give Them Something to Eat

Is there anything that makes you feel inadequate and constantly prevents you from acknowledging or experiencing the sufficiency of Christ in your life? Bring this burden to the Lord today and ask the Lord to fill your heart with a new awareness of his supernatural presence and provision. Surrender your fish and loaves to him in faith and ask Christ to do in your life what you cannot do on your own. Is there any root of unbelief in your heart that causes you to sink when you want to join Jesus in his life-changing journey? Surrender your unbelief in worship today and confess your faith in Jesus asking him to do in you and through you a work that will bring him glory and praise.

EPIC DAD: Spiritual Tools

EPIC DAD: Spiritual Tools

Why are God-fearing fathers so necessary in the age of humanistic self-sufficiency? In this state of the world, when Biblical values are constantly attacked by political, mediatic, and spiritual forces, EPIC Dads need to diligently study the Word, making sure that all of his measures are aligned with His Truth.

Mother’s Day ::: A Woman’s Legacy | Dr. Miguel Lopez

Mother’s Day ::: A Woman’s Legacy | Dr. Miguel Lopez

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