The love of the world as a system of values that actively opposes God is antithetical to his love. In a culture where everyone is entitled to their own opinions and preferences the love of God radically sets a standard that denounces evil and promotes good. Because love does not rejoice in evil but rejoices with the truth, it is imperative for God to establish a point of reference for the way in which we should live. Instruction and correction in a world of chaotic and confusing values is what love does to make a way out of the bondage of sin.
Sermon Category: English
True Love Tells ::: God’s Will For All Nations And All Generations
Love is God’s bridge across the ethnic and generational divide. God’s will for his family is that we go from the alienation of sin to the reconciliation of the gospel. In his family those who were former enemies are now brothers and sisters maturing in the likeness of God’s son. Being part of a family where everyone grows to reach their redemptive potential is what makes the church a community where all nations and all generations grow in love.
True Love Tells ::: It better Than I Told You So
Satan loves to accuse God’s people and rub our failures on our very faces. “I told you so” can be a phrase used to bring shame and condemnation on those who knowingly fall. Unlike Satan, God doesn’t simply say “I told you so” but provides the necessary means to both satisfy his perfect righteousness and transform sinners into his restored instruments of redemption. This is what propitiation is all about and this is what love is all about.
True Love Tells ::: The Story of God’s Joyful Community
Anxiety feeds on perceived threats but God’s love casts away all fears (1 John
4:18). When God’s love fills our lives and hearts, joy is the overflow from God’s
salvation by grace through faith. As we look at the future of DFBC, God wants to
transform us into a community overflowing with the joy of his salvation. In 1
John 1-4, we will discover how God’s love poured in our hearts spills over in our
lives as joy that grows and matures us in our fellowship with God and each other.
Come rejoice in God’s love telling of the story of his joyful community!
Anxious-less Principle #6 ::: Be Present
If we are not careful the fears and anxieties of tomorrow can steal the joy of today. Jesus’ antidote for a life burdened by the shame and guilt of our past and the fears to tomorrow is the discipline of mindfulness. A mind and heart set on living today with the confidence that our past mistakes have been atoned for and our future provided for by a loving God. But make no mistake, this is no wishful thinking. There will be trouble ahead, but with the trouble, God will give us his all-sufficient grace to face it one step and day at a time.
Anxious-less Principle #5 ::: Prioritize
There is a difference between what we seek and what God knows. In this passage Jesus tells us the nations anxiously seek what God already knows we need. To live in the light of our loving Father’s providential care is to be free to make his kingdom and righteousness the main priority of our lives. Everything else will find its right place in our lives if we make the main thing the main thing. For the follower of Jesus, the Kingdom of God is the main thing.
Anxious-less Principle #4 ::: Count Your Blessings
Eating, drinking, and clothing are all basic necessities that we must all procure to survive. Working to secure the good that cover these needs is what the world’s economic engine is all about. For Jesus, however, life is so much more than just securing the goods that meet these needs. Life is about discovering its true meaning in a good, true, and beautiful God that provides for his creatures. A grateful heart that realizes that we are at the mercy of a good, true, and beautiful God is the antidote to an anxious, faithless heart.
Behaving Excellently Before Non-Believers: A Case Study of Paul and the Philippian Jail
A Case Study of Paul and the Philippian Jail
1 Peter 2:12 & Acts 16:22-40
Anxious-less Principle #3 ::: Don’t Confuse Your Self-Worth With Your Net-Worth
In the Bible, it is not wrong for us to own things but it is very wrong for things to own us. Oftentimes, in our cultural context, we compartmentalize the spiritual and the material in different spheres but in the biblical worldview, God demands our undivided devotion and affections. Money can be a touchy subject when we isolate this part of our life from our spiritual life. God reveals that, for him to be Lord, he must be Lord of all or not at all. We cannot serve God and money at the same time. When we don’t surrender our possessions to God, we end up surrendering our life to our possessions and in turn they end up becoming our god.
Anxious-less Principle #2 ::: Watch Where You Are Going – Purpose
Proverbs 29:18 says “where there is no vision the people cast off restraint.” A visionless life is a life driven by the capricious and disorderly forces chaotic forces of this world. Jesus’ antidote for the purposelessness of the unintentional life and the anxieties that it breeds is a life of single-minded commitment to God’s revealed word. God brings hope to the heart that believes his promises.