There are no perfect churches but there are healthy ones. What are the marks of a healthy church? In 1 Thess. 1, Paul paints a picture of the transformation the gospel had produced in the lives of Thessalonian believers. They went from a lifestyle of idolatry and immorality to a faithful, hopeful, and loving lifestyle grounded in the very life of the Triune God.
Sermon Category: English
Turning the world upside down
According to Paul, the gospel is the message of God’s power for salvation. There is new life wherever and whenever the gospel is understood, believed, and lived. This new life, however, sometimes bring pushback from the world. Acts 17 is the context and background of Paul’s ministry to the church in Thessalonica. God brought the gospel of Christ with power to that city and produced a radical life change in those who believed in it. The unbelieving world, on the other hand, responded by persecuting the church and accusing them of “turning the world upside down” Acts 17:6. What the world meant as an offensive statement turns out to be a compliment. When the church is doing its work and joining the Lord in mission. This world will be turned upside down because upside down is what the world needs to be made right with God.
We Are For Loving Our Enemies
Our guest speaker this week is Dr. Gary Singleton, the Senior Pastor of The Heights Church.
Commission: Seventh Marker – Colaboration
The hallmark of maturity of a disciple of Christ is Christ-like love demonstrated by the wiliness of the disciple to sacrificially join Christ in his redemptive purposes both in the church and in the world.
Commission: Sixth Marker – Consecration II
A disciple of Christ faithfully maximizes his influence for God’s kingdom by focusing on investing his/her life in things of eternal value.
Commission: Sixth Marker – Consecration I | Dr. Miguel Lopez
A disciple of Christ acknowledges God as the owner of all he/she is and has, replacing the pursuit of wealth as the goal of life with a healthy view of biblical stewardship.
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Commitment: Fifth Marker – Follow Me | Dr. Miguel Lopez
A disciple of Christ positively responds to Christ’s call by obediently embracing a lifestyle that identifies him with Christ and embodies the life-changing power of his teachings. (Dealing redemptively with sin).
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Commitment: Forth Marker – Take Up Your Cross Daily
A disciple of Christ daily chooses to live his/her life aligning his/her will to the redemptive purposes of God rather than the sinful competing agendas of the world.
Commitment: Third Marker – Denies Self (Struggle of Flesh vs Spirit)
A disciple of Christ demonstrates a growing ability for self-denial renouncing identity distortions and the selfish desires of the flesh in submission to God.