Life multiplication is the DNA of God’s blessing. We were made in God’s image to multiply his image. Because of sin, the image of God was defaced. Through Jesus Christ, the image of God is restored in humanity and God’s blessing renewed. Discipleship multiplication is and has always been God’s life-giving plan.
Sermon Category: English
The Word: God from whom all blessings flow
Grace and truth are two ends of the tension that God has had to navigate to bring us into relationship with him. Because of our sin the gospel proclaims that we deserve to die. This is truth. But because of God’s love God does not want us to die. So in his grace God provided a way for us not to have to. Jesus’ incarnation is God’s way. The gospel proclaims the God who satisfied his truth through his love and grace. Jesus’ incarnation proclaims the God who gives himself to give to those who have nothing on their own.
The Word: Seeker of the lost
In a world overwhelmed by darkness, God speaks his light. God spoke in many ways to the father’s through the prophets but in these last days he has spoken through the Son (Heb. 1:1-2). The Word came to the world to seek and save the lost. God’s light enters into the realm of darkness to shine life upon those who dwell in the valley of the shadow of death. Jesus’ incarnation means that we may be found, even when we feel most lost.
The Word: Builder of new beginnings
Jesus is God’s Living Word upholding the universe together. In a world of chaos and confusion, Jesus is God’s Word offering us new beginnings. Jesus is the master craftsman builder (tekton Matthew 13:55) able to rebuild our lives. Jesus’ incarnation means that we may begin again.
Faithful to the end!
The race may be long but his grace is enough. In this final section, Paul encourages the Thessalonians to stay faithful to the end holding fast to their faith, hope, and love trusting in the power of God’s grace to fully sanctify their lives.
A hope beyond this world
This world tells us that death is the end of all things. Not so for believers in Jesus Christ. In these verses, Paul tells us the gospel is the good news proclaiming that death itself will one day be undone. This hope, bound to the return of Jesus Christ is the essence of the promise of the resurrection. Encouragement, not despair, is what waits Christians for their future. In a world that is hopeless and dark, the gospel is the light that paves our way home.
God’s will for our lives
What is God’s will for my life? Every believer has to wrestle with this question in the course of life. In this passage, Paul answers this question unequivocally by saying that God’s will for our lives is sanctification. Sanctification is the process by which we are set apart to live lives that are pleasing to God and are lived according to his revealed word. Several areas will be addressed here (sexuality, marriage, community, employment) all of which are important to be the kind of people that can turn the world upside down.
Here comes the pushback
Our growth in Christ will not go unnoticed by Satan and the world. Because we are in a spiritual battle, every time we affirm our hearts to follow Christ there will be pushback from the enemy seeking to discourage us. When we face pushback, we have a choice to make. We can either pull away from God or we can draw closer to him. The testing of our faith will show the reality or lack thereof of what we truly believe. In this passage, Paul reveals the attitudes of a victorious church in the midst of trials.
Leadership you can trust
Trust is the currency of leadership. Easy to lose and difficult to keep. What makes for a good leader in the local church? In 1 Thessalonians 2, Paul describes the nature of Christian catalytic servant-leadership highlighting three main components. 1. Courageous integrity (our motivations0, 2. Tender instruction (the quality of our relationships), 3. Bible-centeredness (the source of our authority).