Sin has bound the world in chains of despair, creating in us a void that nothing on earth can fill. How can we stand firm, living as witnesses to the truth that Jesus alone is the way to everlasting hope?
Sermon Category: English
The Reason He Came ::: He Same So That We May Have Abundant Life
Thieves wait patiently for an opportunity to take away from others what is valuable and desirable. There is nothing more valuable than life itself. Satan, the thief, like a spiritual parasite preys on the unsuspecting sheep that wander away from the Shepherd’s flock. Once in his clutches, all hope seems lost, but that is precisely the reason why Jesus came. When the Enemy seeks to steal, kill, and destroy, Jesus, the Good Shepherd, came to give us life, and life to the full.
The Reason He Came ::: He Came to Give His Life as a Ransom for Many
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, long before the internet and the wonders of GPS, lived a people that used printed maps to get around. Sometimes when a map was not readily available, people would stop and ask for directions. Some of them hated asking for directions and instead chose to find things their own way. Many who chose to do so ended up inevitably lost. To be lost is to desperately seek direction but find none. Spiritually, the lost heart longs for God but is unable to find its way back to him. Proud and unable to ask for direction, the lost heart is searching for all the right things in all the wrong ways. That is why Jesus came. He came to give us the direction we desperately need but many times don’t want to hear. He came to tell us we are lost but do not need to remain so.
The Reason He Came ::: He Came to Seek and Save the Lost
Modern Humanity is stuck. In spite of the fact that we can search the stars above and explore the secrets of the microscopic world, we are stuck. We are stuck with our longings for eternity and undying youth. We are stuck with our inability to keep the moral standards we know are right. We are stuck with the problem of evil and suffering, with sickness war, and death. We are stuck because we cannot save ourselves from ourselves. We need to be rescued, but to be rescued a ransom must be provided to make right what has been wrong. That is why Jesus came. In a world where everyone seems entitled to their own desires, Jesus came to serve. In a world where everyone takes, he came to give. He came to give his life as a ransom for the many who cannot save themselves from themselves.
The Reason He Came ::: To Make Us His Own
When we are disowned, we are deprived from the basic dignity of our humanity. As bearers of the imago Dei we were made to reflect God’s glory and to belong with him. Ever since Genesis 3, our hearts long to return to him but are unable to do so. In the grip of sin, our hearts reject the very love they desperately need. That’s why Jesus had to come. He came to his own even if his own rejected him because, by God’s grace, the sinful rebellious hearts of those who respond to him in faith can be born again and become what God made us to be, his children.
Navigating the tension ::: Spiritual Bullies
What are the marks of corrupt Christian leadership in the local church faithful believers should resist and confront?
Navigating the tension ::: Simon Says
What are the marks of true Christian leadership in the local church faithful believersshould support and imitate?
Navigating the Tension ::: Unraveling
What do committed followers of Jesus Christ need to do to keep from becoming a casualty of spiritual predators?