Ready for More

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God has called DFBC to be a catalyst in a movement of disciple-maker multiplying churches. We have been on a journey for the last few years to becoming a local church that can live up to this calling but, are we ready for more or will we settle in the comforts of our preferences and programs? In the upper room discourse, Jesus shared a vision with his disciples that pushed them beyond the comfort of their preferences and programs into the new horizon of God’s mission. After his resurrection, the missional scorecard for the disciples pushed them beyond their personal walk with Christ to a paradigm of multiplication. They would go from being disciples to becoming disciple makers unleashing a movement that continues to change the world today. DFBC has been called to continue this legacy multiplying disciples, disciple-makers, and churches near and far. Thus, this may be the time when embracing this rich legacy begs the question: Are we ready for more?