August 29, 2021

reGROUP- Restoring the Integrity of the Leadership

reGROUP- Restoring the Integrity of the Leadership

This fall we will be journeying through the book of Acts. Our new sermon series entitled “reGROUP” will focus on God’s work in the early church to transform a group of fearful followers into a community of irresistible power. In Acts 1:8 Jesus promised his followers they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them. Followers of Jesus are indwelled by the living God! Because the Holy Spirit dwells in us, God has given us everything we need to be his witnesses. Community is essential to our witness though. For our church to continue to multiply disciple-makers we need to grow in community. In the following weeks, I want to invite you to join one of our journey groups. If you don’t have one yet we will have opportunities for you to explore being part of a small group. Stay tuned for more information in the weeks ahead.

This Sunday our message will be based on Acts 1:12-26. I look forward to unpacking with you our next step on this journey!