July 7, 2024

Anxious-less Principle #1 ::: Invest Eternally and Securely

Anxious-less Principle #1 ::: Invest Eternally and Securely

Anxiety feeds on perceived threats. When someone or something we care about are in danger whether in real life or in our imagination, the possibilities of these threats can send our blood pressure through the roof and sometimes place us in spiraling descent cycles of unhealthy and risky habits and behaviors. The antidote to an anxiety-controlled heart, Jesus tells us, is to make sure our ultimate heart’s affections are not controlled by the temporary and insecure nature of worldly treasures. Only when we invest our lives in God’s eternal purposes because our heart is set on him, we can experience the peace and security that only he provides. Afterall, wherever our treasure is, our heart will be also. When God is our treasure, our heart is his.