Teresa has been a member of DFBC since 2017.  She is a retired educator with over 40 years of experience as a teacher, counselor, and director of a research and assessment departments in Fort Worth and Mansfield ISD’s.  She received a bachelor’s degree in biology, a master’s degree in counseling, and a doctorate from the University of Virginia in administration and research.  She loves working with people and is thankful for the opportunities the Lord has given her to serve at DFBC.  She currently teaches the Boomers & Beyond senior adult journey class, is a member of the Women’s Ministry, and is chairperson of the church Properties Committee.  In the parable of Jesus known as, “The faithful servant,” found in Luke 12:35-48, it is stated that “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required.” Applying this verse to her life, Teresa believes in the importance of using whatever talents, wealth, knowledge, time, and the like, we’ve been given, in a way that glorifies God and benefits others.

In addition to her church, she is also very thankful for her husband, Larry, and their two grown sons & daughter-in-law.  In her free time, she loves camping and fishing, embroidery, and spending time with family and friends.  She considers herself a lifelong learner and is passionate about studying and sharing God’s Word and watching it enrich and transform people’s lives.

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