Developing Servant-Leaders

Tracks for Kids, Students, and Adults on Wednesdays, from Feb 5 to Apr 30

Home » DFBC Equip

What is DFBC Equip?

DFBC Equip is our leadership development initiative where the goal is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry.

Dinner will be available and it will be followed by a series of practical modules and ministries for all ages (children, youth, and adults) to take us to the next step of maturity from faithful disciples to fruitful disciple-makers.

Some of the tracks below require a small financial responsibility but we do not want them to become an obstacle to anyone. Please fill out the Scholarship Request Form to check if you are eligible.


Dinner (5:15 pm - 6:00 pm)

Suggested Donation: $3/person, $10/family (Donation jar will be available)

Tracks for Children are available from 6:00 to 7:30 pm.

Childcare is provided from 7:30 to 8:30 pm. Please monitor your children until that time.

Please register for the Children’s Ministry track to help us plan accordingly for food.


Pre-School & Children Ministries

Block 1 (6:00 pm - 7:30 pm)

Nursery (Babies) & PreSchool Ministry (3-5 yrs)

Teaching simple biblical foundations of faith through Bible stories, crafts, and play.

AWANA Children’s Discipleship Ministry (Kinder-6th Grade)

Games, Bible Memorization, and Biblical Foundations for Life.

Location: Children’s Building

More info: Julie Lindsey ([email protected])

Block 2 (7:30 pm - 8:30 pm)

Childcare will be provided (7:30-8:30 pm) for adults attending a class until 8:30 pm.

Youth Ministry

Block 1 (6:00 pm - 8:00 pm)

FUEL (Weekly Youth Gathering)

How can we believe the Bible is true? Why can’t we just agree that love is love? Isn’t Christianity against diversity? Going to school, hanging out with friends, or scrolling through social media feeds, teenagers are sure to face real challenges to faith in Jesus Christ. Some of these questions can seem like deal breakers. During DFBC Equip, we will invite our students to ask their hardest questions about Christianity and to find, within the Word of God, surprising and life-giving answers.

Location: The Pit/Upper Room

More info: Diego Mota ([email protected])

Block 2 (8:00 pm - 8:30 pm)


Discipleship Ministry

Block 1 (6:00 pm - 7:10 pm)

Follow Me: The DNA of Discipleship Multiplication

Participants will explore together the biblical instruction on disciple multiplication at the heart of the Great Commission. The goal of the seminar is to make sure every disciple understands, believes and lives in a way that is consistent with Christ’s teaching and is growing to become a disciple-maker multiplier.

Location: Fellowship Hall

More info: Miguel Lopez ([email protected])

Block 2 (7:15 pm - 8:25 pm)

Intercessory Prayer

Participants will practice intercessory prayer; develop prayer concerns from scripture passage prompts, be encouraged to engage in prayer, testify to the Lord’s movement through prayer and sense prayer opportunities in DFBC’s community and the lives of attendees. We strive to provide inspiration, instruction, and modeling of prayer for a variety of topics and concerns. The prayer focus will be I Cor. 13, as we seek to receive and express Godly love.

Location: Fellowship Hall – Room F110

More info: Mark & Debbie Dunn ([email protected])

Worship Ministry

Block 1 (6:00 pm - 8:00 pm)

Worship Rehearsals

Location: Choir Room / Worship Center

More info: Randall Hall ([email protected])

Adult Ministry

Block 1 (6:00 pm - 6:30 pm)

Life Restoration Cafe

For participants of Re|Engage, Re:Gen, and Deep-Dive Discipleship, we will have the Life Restoration Cafe available from 6:00-6:30 pm for a time of decompression and connection, prior to the various ministries beginning at 6:30 pm in the same room.

Location: Room A102

More info

Re-Gen: Brance Barker and Debby Baker ([email protected])

Re:Engage: Erick and Erica Woodell ([email protected])

Block 2 (6:30 pm - 8:25 pm)

Deep-Dive Discipleship Journey

Ready to follow Jesus? If you want to grow in peace, freedom, and intimacy with the Lord, come join us as we learn to grow in confidence in God’s Word and rely on the Holy Spirit to lead us through this year of following Jesus together. Re:Gen Curriculum Cost: $50/per semester. Approx. 10 months. Email us at [email protected] to learn about when the next group starts.

Location: Adult Building – Room A102


Re:Gen is a place where we can take our hurts, habits and hang-ups to the feet of Jesus and experience healing & freedom as we learn how to live our new life in Christ with the help of a biblical community. You will be discipled and supported as you learn how to yield any area of your life to Christ. Curriculum cost $50/per semester. Approx. 10 months. Email us at [email protected] to learn about when the next group starts.

Location: Adult Building – Room A102


Re|Engage is a marriage discipleship ministry that helps foster stronger marriages; whether couples are struggling to get along, have broken relationships, or simply want to grow closer together. Marriages in any condition can benefit. Re|Engage disciples and equips couples with tools in whatever season of life they find themselves. Curriculum Cost: $50/couple. (Commitment of 16-18 weeks). If interested, email us at [email protected].

Location: Adult Building – Room A102

We’d love for you to join us this Sunday