Sígueme: Mis Primeros Pasos

Sígueme: Mis Primeros Pasos

Nuestro viaje como seguidores de Cristo comienza aceptando la invitación del evangelio. A través del evangelio, estamos invitados a disfrutar de la comunión de Dios en la adoración, transformados y cultivados en nuestro compromiso con Cristo a través del discipulado, y enviados a impactar al mundo como embajadores del reino de Dios en la misión. Para que nuestra iglesia se convierta en una iglesia de multiplicación de discípulos, primero debemos convertirnos en lo que buscamos multiplicar. ¿Qué es un discípulo y cómo los discípulos se convierten en discípulos? En esta serie, exploraremos la metodología de Cristo con sus primeros discípulos con la esperanza de convertirse en lo que solo él puede hacernos.

Follow Me: Our first steps on the Journey

Follow Me: Our first steps on the Journey

Our journey as followers of Christ begins by accepting the invitation of the gospel. Through the gospel, we are invited to enjoy God’s communion in worship, transformed and grown in our commitment to Christ through discipleship, and sent to impact the world as ambassadors for God’s Kingdom in mission. In order for our church to become a disciple-maker multiplying church, we must first become that which we seek to multiply. What is a disciple and how do disciples become disciple-makers? In this series, we will explore Christ’s methodology with his first disciples in hopes of becoming what only he can make us.

Shhhhhh…We don’t talk about it.

Shhhhhh…We don’t talk about it.

"Shhhhhh…We don’t talk about it.

Curious about what “it” is? Come join us as we explore the journey from “not talking about” certain things to expressing with gratitude what the Lord has done in our lives. We will be unpacking 2 Peter 1:1-15 during this journey."