In order to come into God’s presence in worship, Old Testament believers needed to make sure they were ceremonially clean. Uncleanness disqualified those who sought to worship God. In this passage, we see a leper bowing down to Jesus (worship) with nothing to offer but his overwhelming need. Jesus is the provision that washes all uncleanness away. Coming to God has never been something those sinful human beings can do on their own. The only way to God is not our righteousness but the righteousness of the Lamb of God who opened a new and living way through the blood of his sacrifice.
Author: Diego Mota (Diego Mota)
Todo Entrego a Ti
"Estas personas ... me honran con los labios, pero su corazón está lejos de mí" (es. 29:13)
Con estas palabras, el profeta Isaías demostró que la adoración no se trata solo de lo que decimos sino de lo que atesoramos en nuestros corazones . Dios no quiere que simplemente digamos que creemos; Él quiere que creamos. En este pasaje, vemos el contraste entre la adoración de los labios de Herodes y la auténtica adoración de los magos entregando su tiempo, talentos y tesoros a los pies del rey.
Surrender All: I surrender all
“These people… honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me” (Is. 29:13)
With these words, the prophet Isaiah showed that worship is not just about what we say but about what we treasure in our hearts. God does not want us to simply say we believe; he wants us to believe. In this passage, we see the contrast between the lip worship of Herod and the authentic worship of the magi surrendering their time, talents, and treasures at the feet of the King.
Todo Entrego a Ti: ¿A quién te vas a rendir?
Fuimos hechos para la adoración. La adoración es el puente a través del cual nuestra humanidad se conecta con la divinidad de Dios en una humilde sumisión. Sin embargo, este lado de Eden Worship es un campo de batalla cósmico. Desde que Adán y Eva pecaron, nuestros corazones rebeldes luchan con la adoración. Las tendencias egocéntricas del pecado hacen imposible rendirse a Dios, aparte de su gracia y la habilitación del Espíritu Santo por fe. Sabiendo esto, Satanás busca todas las oportunidades para engañarnos, prometiendo al mundo si simplemente nos inclinamos y adoramos a él en lugar de a Dios, pero no ofrece ninguna de sus promesas. En este pasaje, Jesús nos muestra que la verdadera adoración se trata de amar a Dios supremamente.
Surrender All: To what will you surrender?
We were made for worship. Worship is the bridge through which our humanity connects with God’s divinity in humble submission. This side of Eden worship is, however, a cosmic battlefield. Ever since Adam and Eve sinned, our rebellious hearts struggle with worship. Sin’s self-centered tendencies make it impossible to surrender to God apart from his grace and the enabling of the Holy Spirit by faith. Knowing this, Satan seeks every opportunity to deceive us, promising the world if we just bow down and worship him instead of God but delivering none of his promises. In this passage, Jesus shows us that true worship is about loving God supremely.
El Corazon de Un Siervo
The reason for it all
Familia Imperfecta: El Legado de Adán
Algunos legados se definen por sus fracasos. Cuando escuchamos nombres como Adolf Hitler, Charles Manson y Lee Harvey Oswald, no podemos evitar reducir la vida de estas personas a los actos atroces que los hicieron famosos. El padre de la humanidad, Adán, también está en la lista de nombres conocidos por el fracaso catastrófico. Sin embargo, en Génesis 5, vamos raro al Dios de la Redención que puede rescatarnos y restaurarnos a pesar de nuestros mayores fracasos. El Capítulo 5 es testigo de su misericordia y esperanza de nuestras familias imperfectas en cada generación.
Our Imperfect family: Adam’s legacy
Some legacies are defined by their failures. When we hear names such as Adolf Hitler, Charles Manson, and Lee Harvey Oswald, we cannot help but reduce the lives of these individuals to the heinous acts that made them famous. The father of humanity, Adam, is also on the list of names known for catastrophic failure. In Genesis 5, however, we catch a rare glimpse of the God of redemption who is able to rescue and restore us in spite of our biggest failures. Chapter 5 is a witness to his mercy and hope for our imperfect families in every generation.