At DFBC, the single members of our church family have a variety of needs, and so we seek to serve one another in community.  Philippians 2:1-4 instructs us:

Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

Our Logo: It captures the theme of togetherness/unity. The different colors represent the diversity of our singles (ethnicities, ages, needs, backgrounds, desires, dreams, and struggles). The inner star is Jesus, and as we seek Him first, He shapes the rest of us (the outer star) into a unified body that represents Him.

Our Vision: The Kingdom Seekers Single Adult Ministry strives to be a community of Kingdom Seekers who are trusting God and His Word that says, “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and everything else will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)

Our Mission: We exist to glorify God by walking in a manner worthy of the calling to which we have been called with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, and eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. (Ephesians 4:1-3)

Our Prayer: As members of this community commit to seeking God first and drawing close to Jesus as one body, our prayer is that these verses come alive for those as they navigate relationships, careers, needs, and God’s calling on their lives.

Dr. Brance Barker

Pastor of Discipleship and Administration

Dr. Brance Barker


Connect within a Loving, Biblical community

We desire for all members of our church family to be engaged in the following three levels:

Worship Service

10:00 am English and 11:30 am Spanish services on Sunday mornings. This is our larger corporate gathering where we come together as a church family. Our single members are welcome to sit anywhere they choose.  We do have a group of singles who sit together each Sunday during the Worship Service.  If interested in learning where ask our team at the Guest Connections Center and they can help.

Journey Groups

Journey Groups provide our church family with the opportunity to grow in biblical instruction and to apply it within the context of a small group biblical community.  Check out our Journey Group flyer for detailed info. 

  • Singles-Focused/Gender-Specific Groups: For those in search of a more Singles-focused or gender-specific group, we have a variety of offerings at the 8:30 am time period, and a young adult-focused group along with children’s and youth ministry offerings at the 11:20 am period. 
  • Adult Class Journey Groups (Singles & Couples): For those in search of a more familial environment, all other groups are open to both singles and couples at both the 8:30 am and 11:20 am periods with children’s and youth ministries being offered during the 11:20 am period.

Singles Ministry & Church-Wide Small Group Opportunities

In an effort to support the single adult members of our church family, we are utilizing resources from our Single Adult ministry, our larger church family, as well as other resources in the larger body of Christ.

Singles Ministry & Church-Wide Small Group Opportunities

We have a vibrant college and international ministry for individuals 18-29 that meets in the Hangar for lunch, fellowship, and biblical instruction on Sundays at 11:20 am after the English Worship service. The Welcome Center and Guest Connections area can help get you connected. Other fellowships/retreats are planned during the year. Leaders: David and Nicole Cook. 

We encourage you to get plugged into any of the applicable Journey Groups, which plan monthly fellowship and/or service opportunities to engage in throughout the year.

“Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation.” (Psalm 68:5).  Debby Baker and Beverly Pogue will be gathering a group each month for lunch or other gathering opportunities in order to build community.  If you would like to be informed of upcoming events, please email them at psalm685@duncanvillefbc.org. This group is intended to be in addition to our Journey Group gatherings on Sunday mornings.

Ladies’ Night and Guys’ Night Outs: (Single Parents, Singles, and Men/Women from any of the 11:20 am Young Adult Classes – primarily late 20s-50s)

The men gather on the 2nd Thursday of the month and the women gather on the 3rd Thursday of the month for an informal time of games, fellowship, food, short devo, and prayer. (7:30-9:30pm). If a single parent is interested in attending and needs help covering childcare costs, please contact the front office after attending the event and we can provide a $30 voucher to help cover babysitting costs.

Friday Nights @ DFBC (1st and 3rd Friday Nights, 6:30 pm)

At DFBC, we are a church for all nations and all generations.  This applies to our Singles Ministry too!  For any category of our Single Adults (never married, divorced, single parents, widows/widowers of all ages), come to relax and hang out for an evening of games, fellowship, food, short devo, and prayer.  This is a great place for new guests to come get to know other singles in our church and make friends.

If single members of our church are interested in implementing a small group Bible study, special topic exploration, etc. on other nights of the week, they can use the Friday night Single Adult Gathering as a place to spread the word.  We simply ask that potential leaders find a partner in ministry to help with the endeavor, and discuss with the singles leadership team before advertising or implementing. This is a great forum for disciples to become disciple-makers.

We have English and Spanish Intercessory Prayer Gatherings that meet together year-round.  Spanish Prayer gatherings are typically on Saturday mornings in the Hangar, and English Prayer gatherings are on Wednesday nights at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall (when DFBC Equip is not in session).

During the Fall and Spring Seasons, DFBC hosts 12-week sessions where our church family can come together for dinner at 5:15pm, and then choose from a variety of offerings involve Bible study, prayer, choir/worship, and special topics.  Children’s ministry is provided, as well as tracks in both English and Spanish. See the Guest Connections Center for more info. We typically run Sept-Nov, and Feb-Apr.

  • Griefshare: It hurts to lose someone. GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences.  You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. Thousands of GriefShare support groups meet weekly around the world.  Visit or join a group at any time.  Visit www.griefshare.org to find a support group or event near you.
  • Re|Generation – Recovery in Christ when Life is Broken: We all experience brokenness in life. At re:generation, we believe that anyone can experience new life and freedom by working through steps of healing given to us by God through the Bible. All who are tired, broken, or hurting are invited to come to find recovery in Jesus Christ. Re:generation is 12-step discipleship through recovery. By working through these biblical steps within an authentic community, people have found freedom from substance abuse, codependency, pornography, eating disorders, depression, fear, control, emotional/physical abuse, same-sex attraction, anger, obsessive thoughts, and many other personal struggles. To find a church near you, check out www.watermarkresources.com/ministries/regen.
  • DivorceCare: DivorceCare is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. At this 13-week, video-based support group program, you’ll find helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil and practical tools for decision-making.  To find a church near you to attend, please go to www.divorcecare.org
  • Re|Engage – A Christ-Centered Marriage Ministry: Re|engage is discipleship-based enrichment for every marriage – the healthy, the struggling, and the broken (this may be beneficial too for any singles who find themselves separated). This ministry draws married couples to the church, giving them a safe place to move toward oneness through small groups, teaching, and stories of hope. Resurrect. Reconnect. Reignite. Re|engage. DFBC launched Re|engage in 2022 in a semester format. Eric and Erica Woodell lead this ministry at DFBC. Contact the Pastor of Discipleship Brance Barker at brance_barker@duncanvillefbc.org if interested. You can also check out Re|engage at other local churches if you need one that better fits your schedule.  www.watermarkresources.com/ministries/reengage 

MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers)…and now School-Aged Children: On the first and third Fridays of the month at DFBC, moms get together for breakfast, fellowship, and discipleship, as they encourage one another on their parenting journey.  Childcare is provided so that moms can get refreshed in their walk with the Lord and in their parenting journey.  For those who cannot attend on Fridays, you can still get connected through other playdates and fellowships that take place at other times.  This ministry is open to moms from the community and other churches. Contact Brandy Burkey at duncanvilleMOPS@gmail.com.


Come Grow in Your Relationship with Jesus

Do you know the Gospel (the Good News of Jesus) and know how to share it? 

Check out the following resource known as the Three Circles.  Your journey with Jesus begins by knowing who He is, and what He has done for you, and choosing Him as your Lord and Savior.  Please ask any of our leaders if you have questions so that we can help you and pray with you since this is the most important decision you can make that impacts all others.

Do you know how to Disciple Others?

As you move from being a disciple to a disciple maker and have the joy of helping someone else grow in their walk with the Lord, Cru | Foundations provides a simple equipping tool that you can walk someone through once they have accepted Christ in their life.  This is a free downloadable resource that you can obtain from the cru website, as you explore adult discipleship materials, then “Foundations.”

Are you in God’s Word – the Bible – His love letter to us? 

We have a Daily Bible Reading Plan – both a long version and a short version.  It has tips on how to help you navigate the Bible and begin a daily rhythm of spending time with God as you ask for the Holy Spirit to begin illuminating God’s Word to you. 

Hebrews 4:12-13 tells us how the Word of God is alive and active. Psalm 119:105 shares how it is a lamp unto our feet. In Psalm 119:103, David proclaims, “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”  Do you know God’s Word like this? That is our daily invitation to experience it.  Dive into God’s Word.  Copies of the Daily Bible Reading Plan are available in the Care Center. 

Do you spend time not only talking to God but listening to Him? 

Because of what Jesus has done for us, we are able to go before God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:14-16). As we seek to honor God with our lives, we can take hold of the promise in 2 Peter 1:3 that says, by His divine power, He has given us everything we need for living a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. John 10:27 Jesus tells us, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”  Let’s spend time talking to Him, listening to Him, and following Him in trusting obedience. 

Do you spend time growing in spiritual disciplines?

There is no standardized list of spiritual disciplines, but some are more prominent in the literature than others. For example:

  • Richard J. Foster develops a threefold typology of inward disciplines (meditation, prayer, fasting, and study), outward disciplines (simplicity, solitude, submission, and service), and corporate disciplines (confession, worship, guidance, and celebration).
  • Dallas Willard divides the disciplines into two classes: disciplines of abstinence (solitude, silence, fasting, frugality, chastity, secrecy, and sacrifice) and disciplines of engagement (study, worship, celebration, service, prayer, fellowship, confession, and submission).
  • Other writers categorize other activities, including journaling, dialogue, witness, stewardship, tithing/generosity, and listening, as disciplines.

As we seek to grow in our relationship with Jesus, ask God to give you discernment on which areas He is inviting you to grow in next for whatever current season of life you find yourself.


Come Serve with Us

As we seek to live for God, I Peter 4:8-11 exhorts us,

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.”

At DFBC, we have a variety of ways to serve including the following: 

Children’s Ministry

According to a 2019 study, 47% of people accept Christ by the age of 11. What an important segment of our population in which to invest!  Our children’s minister is always looking for individuals who have a heart for the Lord, and a passion to lead children to Jesus.  If you are interested in serving in the children’s ministry and willing to complete a background check and training, please see Julie Lindsey in the Children’s Building or by emailing her at julie_lindsey@duncanvillefbc.org.

Youth Ministry

According to the same 2019 study, 37% of people accept Christ between the ages of 12 and 19. God is doing some special things in this next generation of students.  We need godly examples of leaders who are investing in their own walk with the Lord, and willing to help encourage our youth in their own relationship with the Lord.  If you are interested in serving in the youth ministry and willing to complete a background check and training, please see our Student and Next Gen Minister Diego Mota in the Youth area or by emailing him at diego_mota@duncanvillefbc.org.

Worship Ministry/Choir

During the Fall and Spring seasons, our worship leader holds choir and orchestra rehearsals for our church family to be part of leading in congregational worship.  Not only is this a special way to serve at DFBC but is also a great community-building opportunity as well.  If interested, contact our Worship Pastor Randall at randall_hall@duncanvillefbc.org.

Audio/Visual/Lighting/iCampus/IT support Team

We have a variety of teams serving on Sunday mornings to help facilitate our onsite and online worship opportunities as well as support our Journey Group with IT support needs.  For all of us who are not tech savvy, we need members of our church family who know their way around soundboards, Chromebooks, social media engagement, lighting and sound systems, etc.  If interested in learning more regarding Audio, Visual, and Lighting service opportunities, please contact Randall Hall at randall_hall@duncanvillefbc.org, and for iCampus/IT support, see Diego Mota at diego_mota@duncanvillefbc.org.

Administrative/Receptionist Team

Our front office functions with a team of part-time staff and volunteers.  Everyone who serves at the front desk not only gets to help answer phones and office tasks but also gets to minister to everyone who comes into the front office.  We typically schedule volunteers for 3-4 hour periods. We are looking for church members who are warm, welcoming individuals looking to give their time to assist our front office.  If interested, please contact Mary Ann Milner at the front desk at frontdesk@duncanvillefbc.org.

Handyman/Facilities-Related Skills

We currently have a Properties Committee that assists our team with projects around DFBC, and we are always looking for church members who enjoy gardening, fixing things, building things, tree trimming, or have special skills in painting, plumbing, AC work, tiling, etc.  We do not currently have a team per se, but if you are interested in adding your name to our pool of church family who could potentially be called on to assist with various endeavors, please contact the Pastor of Administration Brance Barker at brance_barker@duncanvillefbc.org.

Hospitality & Greeting Teams

At DFBC, we exist to invite all people to join Jesus Christ.  We, thus, need people to help us welcome them.  For those who love being a friendly face, and welcoming and connecting others, we have a variety of opportunities to consider. 

  • Greeting Team: This is a great way to meet our church family.  This team mobilizes greeters at different doors on Sunday mornings and at other events.  If interested, contact Larry Parker at parkerrentals@charter.net.  
  • Guest Connections Team: This team helps greet guests, monitors Lost and Found, connects people to various opportunities, etc. If you are interested in serving in this key role for first-timers, please see Debbie Dunn at debrdunn@gmail.com.
  • Memorial Meal Funeral Team: As a way to bless members of our church family who lose a loved one, we have a team that comes alongside our various Journey Groups to provide a family meal for those gathering for a funeral service.  If you have a desire to be a blessing to families during this important and sensitive season of life, please contact our office at frontdesk@duncanvillefbc.org and we will get you connected with this team.
  • Hospitality & Decorating Team: For different occasions, we set up coffee and food tables for different events and serve our church family in this way.  There are also opportunities to help with decorations, for example, around Christmas time, etc.  If this is of interest to you, please contact Lisa McLeroy at lisa.mcleroy02@gmail.com
  • Welcome and Care Centers:  If you have a desire to help greet, connect, counsel, or pray with guests after the worship service and are a member of DFBC, please connect with Debby Baker at debby_baker@duncanvillefbc.org.
  • Kitchen Team: If you enjoy preparing meals for others, consider joining the Kitchen Team for opportunities to serve by reaching out to Ozzie Molina at ozziemolina1951@gmail.com and Steve Molina at veaz600@yahoo.com.

Missional Engagement ::: Opportunities of Service

  • Serve in the quarterly shopping store for pregnant ladies 
  • Welcome them and accompany them to show them kindness with God’s love
  • Share the Gospel and pray with them 
  • Walk them to their cars and help them carry their items.
  • Help set up the store the day before (Fridays)
  • Serve as a teacher or an assistant teacher 
  • Serve as onboarding of students (testing)
  • Serve as a host to help the student place their children in the proper classrooms.
  • Engage the students with the purpose of sharing the Gospel and praying for them.

Help distribute packs of food for children with the purpose of sharing the Gospel and inviting them to attend church activities. 

  • Participate in the weekly intercessory prayer gathering (Sundays 11:10 a.m. Church foyer) 
  • The purpose is to pray for our missionaries specifically. 

At DFBC, we have the Committee on Ministries, as well as the Finance, Properties, Personnel, and Missions Committee. The Committee on Ministries helps DFBC find potential candidates to serve on the other committees.  Qualifications for such participation include a record of faithful giving, being a member of DFBC, and modeling a humble heart of Christian service.

How do I become a member of DFBC?

If you would like to learn how to become a member of DFBC, please contact us at debby_baker@duncanvillefbc.org or fill in the contact for below to learn when the next Journey Lunch will be held after church.  The Journey Lunch is our way of sharing with prospective members who we are and our process for joining the church family at DFBC.  

God bless you on your journey!  We hope we can have an opportunity to come alongside you as you seek to follow Jesus on a life-long, life-changing, and life-giving journey!