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What does a healthy church look like? What makes Its ministry effective in advancing the Kingdom of God? Traditional metrics look at the number of people, size of buildings, budgets, and influence that a church is able to wield in a community through its programs and activities. But what does God look at when he looks at the church? 1 Thessalonians is possibly the first of Paul’s letters. It was written to a church that displayed the marks of a healthy church; despite living in a culture that was not friendly to the Gospel. The church in the city of Thessalonica was forced to live against the grain of the pagan culture in which it was located but was able to further the advance of God’s kingdom despite the opposition. In this sermon series, we will explore the nature of the countercultural witness of the Thessalonian believers that allowed them to stay true to their calling as children of light in a dark world (1 Thessalonians 5:4).