Follow Me

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At the beginning of his ministry, jesus called his first disciples with a promise of a life-long, life-changing, and life-giving future. He said “follow me and i will make you fishers of men” matthew 4:12. Little did those disciples know but they would be embarking on a journey that would change not just their lives but the lives of countless for the rest of eternity. This life-long, life-changing, and life-giving journey is what jesus called discipleship. Jesus envisioned discipleship as a journey with very intentional steps moving us closer to where he is and where he is taking us. One of the goals of discipleship is multiplication. For multiplication to take place, disciples must grow and mature to be able to share what they have received. In the gospels, jesus was very specific about the kind of commitment he wanted from his disciples and what it would take to follow him. He called himself the way. In this series, we will explore the developmental steps that jesus intentionally walked his first disciples and reflect on our own journey adjusting our steps to follow him.