Diego Mota

Student and Next Generation Pastor

Diego Mota

Diego Mota was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and is married to his best friend, Jéssica. They got married in June 2019 and arrived in America only 46 days later, the first time both of them ever left their home country.

Diego has a bachelor’s degree in Theology from the Baptist Theological Seminary of the South of Brazil. He had served as a student ministry leader for years before finally accepting the Calling to Ministry. Upon his graduation from Seminary, he started serving as the youth pastor in Jéssica’s home church when he got the acceptance letter from DBU. As the Lord changed his plans drastically, he kept serving the students until it was time to move to his new home.

It was a hard but deeply blessed transition from Brazil to America. The Lord took care of every single detail, as He always does. Diego started classes at DBU in pursuit for a Master of Arts in Theological Studies degree – a dream-come-true. After a couple of months of prayer, the Lord led him and his wife to join THE journey at DFBC, a place where they feel greatly loved since day one.

Eternal connections are established as we proclaim that Jesus is LORD over the Internet just as He is LORD over the entire Universe. Other than serving as the youth minister, his years of experience as a Web Developer and a Social Media Strategist have prepared him to lead the DFBC iCampus, an initiative that aims to serve those who cannot be on campus but also want to join THE journey at DFBC.